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[ARM] [Atmel AVR] [Basic Stamp] [Freescale 68xx] [Intel 8051] [Microchip PIC] [MIPS] [Microcontroller Generic]
[Bluetooth] [CAN] [Embedded Internet] [Parallel Port, Serial Port, USB]
Programming Languages:
[Assembler] [Basic] [C & C++ Programming] [C for Microcontrollers] [Java, Forth, UML]
[Applications] [Embedded Operating Systems] [Chip Design] [Hardware Design] [Software & Firmware Development]
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Development Tools (Emulators, Starter Kits, Compilers, Simulators,
See also:
8051/80552 Tutorial Kit, complete 8051/80552 microcontroller training
course that includes all necessary hardware, software and extensive
documentation and training materials.

C and the 8051: Building Efficient Applications
The C and 8051 book shows you how to maximize 8051 software performance, reliability, and efficiency-hands-on!
This is the first complete, hands-on guide to optimizing C-based applications for the
Intel 8051
microcontroller. Based on the most popular chipset in today's consumer products, it delivers great ideas
and expert C code you can adapt to your own real-world applications, whatever they are. From project
planning through key design tradeoffs, you'll find powerful insights that will streamline your coding and
enhance your results. Coverage includes: Making the most of multitasking and real-time operating systems;
Building an operating system kernel-from scratch; Working with internal and external peripheral devices;
Algorithms for enhancing performance; Two highly detailed start-to-finish projects
In addition to extensive sample code, the book contains practical techniques and flowcharts for
streamlining the development process, design approaches that minimize the amount of external hardware
required, and much more. Most examples will work with the entire 8051 family, including the Philips 751
and 552, 517, 552, 558, and DS5000 series. The accompanying CD-ROM contains: Keil's assembler,
C compiler, and linker in a limited version for the 8051 family; along with extensive
source code-including all the source code from this book and from C and the 8051, Volume 1:
Hardware, Modular Programming, and Multitasking.
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Microcontroller Projects in C for 8051
Covers programming the 8051 family of microcontrollers using
the C language. Readers are introduced to the fundamentals of microelectronics,
the 8051 family, programming in C, and the use of a C compiler. Light, sound,
temperature, and RS232 serial communication projects are included.
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Embedded Systems Design With 8051 Microcontrollers: Hardware and Software
Book News, Inc.
Karakehayov (computer science, Technical U. of Sofia, Bulgaria), Christensen and Winther (both applied electronics, Technical U.
of Denmark) explain the developments in microcontroller technology and review basic concepts such as logic gates and Internet
applications. They also give detailed instructions toward its application in many different areas, such as digital clocks and
speech machines, paying particular attention to the commonly used 8-bit microcontroller, the 8051, and the 83C552. Review
questions for each chapter, Internet references with URLs, and a disk with files of assembly language and C programs add to the
practical nature of this text. -- Copyright © 1999 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
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Microcontroller Cookbook
Book News, Inc.
For students of microprocessor-based systems, compiles information from
manufacturers' data manuals and other sources, and arranges it in a form that is
more readable and logical for beginners. Focuses on the MCS 51 and PIC families
because they are most popular, but by contrasting them, points out the kinds of
qualities to look for in other microprocessors. Copyright © 1999 Book News,
Inc., Portland, OR All rights reserved
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The 8051
Microcontroller & Embedded Systems
From Book News, Inc.
For engineering students and others interested in microprocessor
applications where space, power, and rapid development are more critical
than raw processing power, this textbook establishes a foundation for
assembly language programming while comprehensively treating 8051
interfacing. Appends material on 8051 instructions, timing, registers,
and 8501-based systems; technology and system design issues; flowcharts
and pseudocode; an 805 primer for X86 programmers; ASCII codes;
assemblers, development resources, and suppliers; and data sheets.
Printed in an optically-friendly large font. The disk contains the lab
manual in Microsoft Word with exercises in software programming and
hardware interfacing of the 8051, and source codes in ASCII files for
the text's programs.
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Programming & Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller
From the Back Cover
For work or fun--projects, exercises, and insights of the world's most popular
microcontroller. Over 30 experiments and 13 complete projects demonstrate 8051
capabilities. CD-ROM gives you all the software you need to begin developing
8051 applications. This tutorial/disk package is unique in providing you
with a complete understanding of the 8051 chip compatibles along with all the
information needed to design and debug tailor-made applications.
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The 8051 Microcontroller Hardware, Software, and Interfacing (2nd edition)
From Book News, Inc.
Emphasizes interfacing the controller to real-world devices such as switches,
displays, motors, and A/D converters through programming in both assembly
language and C. In order to provide hands-on experience, includes all the code
examples in the text and a free 8051 cross-assembler and documentation on two
3.5<"> disks. First published in 1993 and here augmented with two new chapters
on C programming. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR
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The 8051 Microcontroller
This comprehensive text presents all of the topics required
for an introductory course in the 8051 microcontroller. Starting at a
rudimentary level --What is a microprocessor? What is a microcontroller? --
coverage evolves to encompass complete, finished design examples using such
software tools as the assembler (ASM51), the linker (RL51), and the
object-to-hex conversion utility (OH). Additionally, a simple single-board,
10-chip computer project is provided.
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Using the MCS-51 Microcontroller
In this book, the author provides a comprehensive treatment of
the MCS-51 microcontroller. Huang covers the full spectrum of I/O functions of
the MCS-52 variants; by progressively developing topics, starting with the simple
and moving to the complex, he strikes a balanced introduction to the theoretical
topics and the design and implementation issues of the MCS-51 microcontroller.
The book starts wit the MCS-51 CPU architecture and programming model and then
progresses toward every I/O function. In each I/O function, the author first
presents the general issue and then details the specifics of the MCS-51.
Numerous design examples and exercises illustrate the concepts presented and
helps readers grasp the key concepts and learn the applications.
The book is an ideal introduction to microcontroller and microprocessor based
design, while containing enough rigor and depth to provide in depth knowledge of
the MCS-51 microcontroller. It is intended as a textbook for a first course on
microprocessors or microcontrollers, but is also suitable for anyone who needs
to learn about the MCS-51 microcontroller
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Patterns for Time-Triggered Embedded Systems 8051
From Book News, Inc.
This book/CD-ROM package provides a set of software patterns to support the
development of embedded software systems and discusses techniques for the design
and implementation of software for embedded applications based on the popular
8051 microcontroller family. Some 70 software patterns are presented, along with
guidelines for applying techniques. The accompanying CD-ROM contains source code
in C for all patterns and examples, including complete schedulers, plus an
evaluation version of the industry standard Keil C compiler and hardware
simulator, allowing examples to be tested without the need to purchase
additional software. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR
Buy this book from:
[ARM] [Atmel AVR] [Basic Stamp] [Freescale 68xx] [Intel 8051] [Microchip PIC] [MIPS] [Microcontroller Generic]
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